Muhammad's message is essentially the existence of one God ALLAH, all-powerful but also merciful, and he freely acknowledges that other prophets in particular Ibrahim, MOSA and JESUS have preached the same truth in the past and all the prophet's message was truth.
Some battles happend b/w NOn muslims and Muslims..But after these battles MUSLIMS became more powerful in strength and policticaly and ISLAM raised day by DAy..... After the "fatheh of  MAKKAH" MUHAMMAD not punished any NON muslims and gives respect to NOn muslims.. AFter this kind behaviour large number of non MUSLIMS enter in ISLAM AnD accept the dignity of islam... AFter this MUHAMMAD and his followers performe HAJJ.. this hajj called "HAJJ TUL WIDA " because it was 1st and last HAJJ of MUHAMMAD.. The khutba OF this HAJJ becomes very famous in this MUHAMMAd tells us the basics of islam and Lot of other things abot ISLAM...   


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